Creating Franchise agreements with Franchise Guardian® doesn’t get any easier. With experience in all sectors, a process that has been put to the test many times, your Franchise agreement will be completed with pin point precision in less then 45 days.

When deciding to franchise your model
You will need a Franchise agreement and a Franchise Disclosure document.


Franchise agreements are not a one size fits all. They need to be carefully structured to depict your methods of operations, your proprietary product, how you wish franchisees to operate your brands intellectual property, and more. Your franchise agreement sets forth the expressed obligations that the Franchisee must follow, what you, the Franchisor provides in exchange, such as support systems, your duty to grow and sustain the brand, it sets forth if you will be the sole distributor of a product(s), or if there are vendors that they will be allowed to work with, and much more.

Your franchise agreement governs the relationship between the franchisee and the Franchisor, hence, it needs to be clear, accurate, and embody how you wish for each Franchised outlet to operate. We will cover all of these topics with you to clearly define the working relationship between you and the franchisee and the protection of your brands intellectual property. It is the legal document that binds the relationship legally.

For the entire legal definition, please visit our FAQ page. Additional documents, such as your operating manual, do exist that will set forth the expressed obligations of both parties more fully and are also prepared by Franchise Guardian®.


Franchise Timeframe

Experience and sound processes lead to quick results that you can count on

Multiplying Revenues

A real look at the multiple revenue streams created by franchising

The Difference

A process that is proven, trusted and provides instant results

Franchise Infrastructure

Structuring your model with precision and knowledge, focus and attention to your concept

Guardian Executed

Ensuring accuracy through a deep understanding of your industry’s landscape

Franchise Agreement

Carefully structured to depict your methods of operations, proprietary products, intellectual property and operational direction

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